
The High-Throughput Experimentation Laboratory (HTE Center), at the University of Pennsylvania was established in 2009 via a $1 million GOALI grant from the NSF. The HTE Center has assembled a state-of-the-art academic laboratory designed to aid in the development of novel synthetic methodologies and solve challenges in difficult chemical transformations. Students and postdoctoral researchers at the University of Pennsylvania routinely utilize the capabilities of the HTE Center to expedite their own cutting-edge research. The HTE Center specializes in running 96- or 24-reaction experimental arrays which enable rapid, efficient, and cost-effective parallel experimentation to test or troubleshoot difficult chemical reactions.

Modern synthetic methods, particularly in catalysis, often contain several reaction components. Combinatorically screening reactions of this type often requires an order of magnitude more reactions than a typical chemist can setup in a standard batch experimentation model. Techniques in high-throughput experimentation allow a chemist to setup 96-reactions in parallel, using ≤1 mmol of precious material in only hours. Our laboratory utilizes state-of-the-art techniques in automated chromatography (UPLC, GC, & SFC) in tandem with mass-spectrometry (ESI & EI) to analyze the results of microscale reactions (2 – 10 µmol).

For the past ten years, our laboratory routinely conducts high-throughput experiments for external industrial clients in addition to our internal and external academic collaborations. We offer services in both contract experimentation and custom high-throughput kit production.

Contact us to setup an informational web call to learn more about how we can improve the pace and efficiency of your chemistry research.

University of Pennsylvania signage amidst summer foliage

The High-Throughput Experimentation Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania is a facility accessible to academia as well as industry. For more information, please email us at nloud@sas.upenn.edu or ganghong@sas.upenn.edu

To read more about the efficiency of the High Throughput Experimentation facility, visit our Publications page.